7 Critical Components to Keep in Mind When Constructing a New Home - Crystal Construction Company in Sri Lanka

7 Critical Components to Keep in Mind When Constructing a New Home

Constructing a house, office, or holiday villa in Sri Lanka is an exciting undertaking for Crystal Construction Company, and we are turning dreams into reality one block at a time along the way. 

While we are confident in our construction project management skills, we are discovering new ideas that evolve with the modern trends we would like to bring to light a few points to keep in mind when you work with a house construction company in Sri Lanka

Sure, various building checklists and guidelines exist, but they fail to capture all the important details that go into building a house. 

To fill in the gaps, here are 7 must-know elements for anyone undertaking a house-building project in Sri Lanka.

Perform Due Diligence before Deciding on Your New Home

When considering the location of your new home, perform the necessary research to ensure a smooth transition. 

Consult the Geological Survey of Sri Lanka to analyze the water table, investigate the Flood Elevation after the highway construction, and ascertain any history of hazardous materials or landslide risk on the lot. 

Investing the time now to investigate the details will pay off when you move in. While the proximity to family, schools, parks and other amenities may be appealing, never overlook the importance of due diligence. 

Do your homework, and you’ll be sure to make a wise decision.

Find the Dream Home with the Right Lot Size and Layout

When designing your dream home, it’s crucial to think ahead and consider the size and layout of your lot. 

Don’t just think about what you want today, but assess the scalability of your plans for the future. 

What about play space for young children? 

Does your family need room for a swimming pool construction or a basketball hoop? 

Consider all this before you go ahead with a property. 

If you have a green thumb and love to garden, plan your lot size and layout accordingly. 

Landscaping can be a time-consuming activity and trees, bushes, and hedges can grow quickly, blocking windows and leaving you with a daunting landscape maintenance task. 

Map out your plans and hobbies in advance so that you get the perfect lot to fit it all in.

Unlock the Limitless Possibilities of Your Basement

When selecting a new home, a basement may be a necessity depending on your location. 

Historically, basements were used to store washers, dryers, and other essential utilities. 

Now, they are becoming more of an extension of the home, offering limitless possibilities for entertainment and storage. 

Consider the layout of a finished basement before building or purchasing a home in Sri Lanka

You may need to include a sump pump to keep it dry and make sure there is easy access to the furnace, water heater, and other utilities.

With the right planning, your basement will be able to accommodate your family’s needs today and well into the future.

Create a Light and Airy Atmosphere

With soaring heights and an emphasis on style and comfort, homeowners have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of a high or vaulted ceiling. 

With the help of an experienced designer and architect in Sri Lanka, a home can be designed to create a light and airy atmosphere, a far cry from the cramped and small feeling of traditional nine-foot ceilings of the past. 

When creating your dream home, don’t forget to take into account the cost and availability of doors, windows, and other treatments that will bring your ceiling design to life. 

From exposed beams to overhead lighting fixtures and crown moldings, careful consideration of your desired aesthetics and practicalities will ensure the best outcome. 

With the right team and the right plan, you can create a space that is both spacious and stylish.

Reduce Toxins and Increase Sustainability with Greener Buildings

It’s time for a change in the construction industry in Sri Lanka. 

We have to move away from the days of using hazardous materials such as lead pipes and asbestos insulation. 

Today, homebuilders in Sri Lanka have a responsibility to be mindful of health concerns when constructing houses. 

Let’s look to the future and explore more sustainable building materials like concrete, bamboo, wool insulation, and rammed earth. 

We can also use floorings that are truly eco-friendly, such as hardwoods, tile, wool, natural carpeting, and cork. 

Moreover, make sure to choose paint and wall coverings that contain low to no VOCs and are renewable. 

It’s time to take the initiative and embrace sustainable, less-toxic materials in our building projects. 

We don’t all have to be LEED-certified, but we can all use the best practices of green builders to ensure healthier, safer homes for everyone.

Outlets should be Top Priority When Designing Your New Home

Outlets are an essential aspect of interior design and should be given the attention they deserve. 

When planning your home construction project in Sri Lanka, outlets should be a top priority. 

With the right placement of outlets, you can create a home that you love and one that serves all of your needs. 

No one wants cords draped across the floor, so strategically placed floor outlets are a must. 

For homeowners, having plenty of places to charge phones, laptops, and other electronics is important. 

Take it a step further and add charging stations for long-term convenience. 

My favorite trick is placing outlets inside bathroom drawers. 

Not only does this minimize cord clutter, but it also keeps your bathroom tidy and organized.

Outlets should be Top Priority When Designing Your New Home

Outlets are an essential aspect of interior design and should be given the attention they deserve. 

When planning your home construction project in Sri Lanka, outlets should be a top priority. 

With the right placement of outlets, you can create a home that you love and one that serves all of your needs. 

No one wants cords draped across the floor, so strategically placed floor outlets are a must.

For homeowners, having plenty of places to charge phones, laptops, and other electronics is important. 

Take it a step further and add charging stations for long-term convenience. 

My favorite trick is placing outlets inside bathroom drawers. 

Not only does this minimize cord clutter, but it also keeps your bathroom tidy and organized.

Window Treatments Matter

When designing your brand new home, window treatments are an essential part of the process. 

It’s important to think about window treatments early on, as they can influence wall thickness, layout, and the materials used. 

Integrated wired shades will require thicker wall cavities, and you should also consider the insulation around your windows, as well as how the treatments will fit with your design. 

Furthermore, pay attention to the placement of your windows and their size of them, as well as the ease of maintenance. 

Look for windows that open inward for easy cleaning, and make sure they provide your home with maximum energy efficiency. 

Invest in the highest-quality windows available to ensure your home is well-protected from energy loss.

In Conclusion

When constructing a new home, Crystal Construction Company in Sri Lanka has many elements to consider. 

These include due diligence in the area, lot size and layout, basement possibilities, design for a light and airy atmosphere, sustainable materials, outlets, and window treatments. 

Research should be done on the lot to check for the water table, flooding, and hazardous materials. 

Consider the scalability of plans and landscaping for the future. 

Basements can be an extension of the home, with a sump pump and easy access to utilities. 

High or vaulted ceilings with aesthetically pleasing doors and windows are important. 

Sustainable materials such as concrete, bamboo, and wool insulation should be used, and outlets should be a top priority in the design. 

Lastly, window treatments should be chosen with energy efficiency and ease of maintenance in mind.